NSW: Q&A Who sets the agenda, Explanatory notes

  Question: At our last AGM I proposed a motion that meetings be held after 6pm. Our Strata Manager denied the motion from being on the agenda. Does the Strata Manager have authority to dismiss a motion? proposed a Motion for our last AGM within the correct guidelines and timing, that being, that future Annual…

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NSW: Q&As Strata Hub: What do you need to know?

  Question: Our Strata Manager insists on using a single first point of contact to liaise with regarding strata matters for the coming year. Is this usual? In our complex of 22 owners, we recently held our AGM. Of the 6 owners who were at the meeting, 3 owners volunteered to serve on the committee….

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NSW: Q&A Quorum Requirements for the AGM

  Question: We had an AGM where 2 of 3 owners attended. Is this a quorum? We had an AGM where 2 of 3 owners attended. Is this a quorum? The meeting date was changed to suit the strata and therefore our proxy couldn’t attend. Is this in line with the legislation? The notice of…

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NSW: Q&A Which ByLaws Apply to Our Strata Scheme?

  Question: I believe one of our bylaw is harsh, unconscionable or unreasonable. As a lot owner, should I apply to NCAT for the Tribunal to decide or should concerns first be raised to the Strata Committee or at a General Meeting? Answer: The procedure is to make an application for an Order declaring the…

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NSW: Q&A Who sets the agenda, Explanatory notes

  Question: At a committee meeting, I proposed a motion concerning a topic under discussion for the committee to adopt. The topic had been included in the meeting agenda. The strata manager ruled the proposed motion ‘out of order’. Is this correct? A committee meeting was called by our strata manager with a written agenda…

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NSW: Q&A Positions on the Strata Committee

  Question: Although our committee is made up of 8 members, the position of Treasurer, Secretary and Chairperson are all held by the same person. Is there something in legislation to say this can be or can’t be done? Answer: This scenario is contemplated by the strata legislation. This scenario is contemplated by the strata…

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NSW: Q&A Strata Management Termination and Appointments

  Question: One of our EC members has called a general meeting to terminate our current strata manager and appoint a new one. He states there is a dispute about the length of the current agreement. Should the meeting proceed or be postponed until the disputed term has been settled? I am a member of…

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NSW: Q&A Who sets the agenda, Explanatory notes

  Question: Can significant matters that require special resolutions be raised verbally under a general heading at the AGM? At our recent AGM, two matters were discussed that were not specified on the agenda. Both items were raised verbally. The first was under ‘Maintenance’. The second matter, requiring a special resolution, was introduced in our Zoom…

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NSW: Q&A Who sets the agenda, Explanatory notes

Question: Can significant matters that require special resolutions be raised verbally under a general heading at the AGM? At our recent AGM, two matters were discussed that where not specified on the agenda. Both items were raised verbally. The first was under ‘Maintenance’. The second matter, requiring a special resolution, was introduced in our Zoom meeting…

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NSW: Q&A Special Levies, Levy Payments and Overdue Levies

  Question: A lot owner in our small block has consistently been in arrears with levies. Although they are on a payment plan the situation is not improving. Do we have other options to recover the overdue levies? We have one owner in our small strata block of six that has consistently been in arrears…

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NSW: Q&A Who sets the agenda, Explanatory notes

Question: Do the strata committee get a copy of the AGM agenda first, or do all owners get the agenda at the same time? If the committee get it first, does it put others at a disadvantage? Answer: There is no formal requirement that the AGM agenda must be given to the strata committee first….

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NSW: Q&A Owners Corporation Committee Decisions

  Question: In the AGM last year, we all voted to have a defibrillator. The chairman and secretary voted against it and in every meeting since have decided to ask a lawyer their legal rights and are digging their heels in. Can they do this? Answer: It may be that the strata committee is seeking…

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NSW: Q&A Positions on the Strata Committee

  Question: Our secretary takes full control at meetings, will not let anyone make any comments or ask any questions. We all feel very bullied by this person. What can we do? At our monthly Owners Corporation meetings, although the whole committee including the chairperson attended, the meeting was run by our overbearing secretary. We…

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NSW: Q&A Spending Limits & Unapproved Fees

Question: Our owners corporation is part of a BMC. Is it regulation that the financial and annual budget of the BMC be presented to the strata committee or owners and approved at a committee meeting before the owners corporation AGM? I am an owner in an owners corporation that has shared facilities (BMC) with another…

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