NSW: Q&A Can We Have BBQs or a Small Fire Pit on the Apartment Balcony?

NSW: Q&A Can We Have BBQs or a Small Fire Pit on the Apartment Balcony?

  Question: Are there regulations on the use of smoker BBQs on apartment balconies considering the amount of smoke and smell these produce? Answer: You must check the by-laws applicable to your scheme. The short answer is that you must check the by-laws applicable to your scheme. Many schemes have by-laws which regulate BBQ’s and…

Q&A: Neighbours cigarette butts – what can I do?

Q&A: Neighbours cigarette butts – what can I do?

Leanne has provided a response to a reader’s question received by LookUpStrata. The reader has residents of higher apartments who overlook her balcony, dump waste and cigarettes butts over their balustrades, which end up in her outdoor area. Naturally, the reader wanted to understand what can be done. In summary: It poses a fire hazard (if not…