NSW: Q&A Strata approval for renovations – What is the process?

  Question: I’m seeking approval for new floorboard, but the committee insists upon a specific and expensive underlay. Can the owners corporation determine what underlay I use if I’m able to meet their requirements with a product I have chosen? I’m seeking permission from the Exec Committee to update my old floating floorboards to new…

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NSW: Q&A Disabled Parking Rules in Apartments

  Question: My lot has a huge disabled parking spot for my adaptable unit. It’s big enough for 2 small cars. Is there a regulation or law that restricts me from parking 2 cars in this space? My lot has a huge disabled parking spot for my adaptable unit. It’s big enough to park 2…

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NSW: Q&A Special Levies, Levy Payments and Overdue Levies

  Question: A lot owner in our small block has consistently been in arrears with levies. Although they are on a payment plan the situation is not improving. Do we have other options to recover the overdue levies? We have one owner in our small strata block of six that has consistently been in arrears…

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NSW: Q&A Owners Corporation Committee Decisions

Question: Two Committee members made changes to common areas without any vote and used the common seal without approval. What process should have been followed? We are a strata of 3 townhouses. Is it illegal for 2 committee members/owners to use our strata’s common seal representing the Owners Corporation without having put the use of…

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NSW: Q&A Foyer Christmas Decorations Purchased by Strata Funds

  Question: We have discussed putting up some foyer Christmas decorations. Some residents have voiced their concerns about strata funds paying for the cost of acquiring the seasonal decorations. Our strata has an uninteresting entry foyer that would benefit from some visual enhancement. Hanging some artwork on the blank walls would make both residents and…

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NSW: Q&A Who sets the agenda, Explanatory notes

Question: Do the strata committee get a copy of the AGM agenda first, or do all owners get the agenda at the same time? If the committee get it first, does it put others at a disadvantage? Answer: There is no formal requirement that the AGM agenda must be given to the strata committee first….

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