
NSW: Q&A Can I Put a Sign Up On My Apartment?

  Question: Can I have a political sign displayed on my apartment? I own the apartment. Does this rule also apply for ‘For Sale’ signs on apartments? Answer: Some buildings have specific signage by-laws prohibiting any signage whatsoever, with an approval process even in case of real estate ‘For Sale’ signage. Yes, buildings can restrict…

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NSW: Q&A Can we hold Electronic Meetings and have Electronic Voting?

  Question: Can we hold a meeting electronically and just have everybody use electronic voting on the issue of a special levy via email to our strata manager rather than having another face to face meeting? Answer: Whether or not you need a meeting depends on whether you’ve adopted “pre-meeting” electronic voting or electronic voting…

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Short-term Letting Update

  Short-term Letting Update The Fair Trading Amendment (Short-term Rental Accommodation) Act 2018 (NSW) was recently passed by both Houses and assented to. It has introduced a new Section 137A to the strata legislation which states that a by-law may prohibit short-term letting for non owner-occupiers. In other words, a by-law cannot prevent an owner-occupier…

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NSW: Q&A Water Dripping Over Balcony From the Neighbour Above

  Question: How can I stop my upstairs neighbour from washing down their outdoor area, sometimes with bleach, causing water dripping over my balcony? This disturbs the use of my property. What rights do I have to make them stop? Answer: Your neighbour may not use their lot in such a way that causes nuisance…

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