NSW: Q&A Fined for not using the visitor parking spaces

NSW: Q&A Fined for not using the visitor parking spaces

Question: I was fined for not parking in a visitor parking space at my girlfriend’s apartment. They are pursuing her for the money. Is this parking fine from the owners corporation valid? Only NCAT has jurisdiction to issue “fines” or “penalties” in this context. Therefore, it is highly unlikely this fine could be enforced. However, the…

NSW: Q&A Charging lot owners who use the visitor parking spaces

NSW: Q&A Charging lot owners who use the visitor parking spaces

Question: Some residents in our building use the visitor parking spaces as an additional parking spot. Is it possible to increase levies for these few residents and not all lot owners? Before answering the question on whether such an arrangement would be legal, you would need to ascertain from the development consent for the building…

Q&A: Can Owners Corporation lease out visitor parking spaces? (NSW)

Q&A: Can Owners Corporation lease out visitor parking spaces? (NSW)

A LookUpStrata reader, who works as a building manager in NSW, wanted to know whether the owners corporation can lease out additional visitor parking spaces to a retail lot owner, and what the correct process would be to establish such an arrangement. In summary, the fact that this concerns visitors parking complicates this matter. Whereas the Owners Corporation usually…