NSW: Q&A Owners Corporation Meetings – Times and Frequency

  Question: Are there rules concerning the actual time of day when an AGM is held? Answer: The timing should not “intentionally” be selected to prevent certain owners from attending. Though the strata legislation is silent on the point, some general rules do apply. While the timing of the AGM is at the discretion of…

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Attention Developers: Why you need a strata managing agent!

  Strata Managers are trained professionals with the thorough knowledge and expertise required to ensure proper and timely compliance with a litany of legal, notice, meeting, accounting, capital works fund and administration fund monetary requirements relevant to your strata development. One-stop-shop With licenced strata manager, all matters relating to the scheme can be directed to…

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NSW: Q&A The Procedure for Appointing a New Strata Manager

  Question: We are lot owners in a small 8 lot commercial strata building. What is the procedure for appointing a new strata manager? What happens if this procedure is not followed? Answer: It is critical that the termination of the current manager be effected strictly in accordance with the strata management agency agreement which…

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NSW: Q&A Charging lot owners who use the visitor parking spaces

Question: Some residents in our building use the visitor parking spaces as an additional parking spot. Is it possible to increase levies for these few residents and not all lot owners? Answer: First you need to ascertain from the development consent for the building exactly how many visitor parking spaces are required by law. Before…

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Ask Premium Strata – Bathroom Renovation

Bathroom Renovation Question: One of the lot owners in our strata complex requires a major bathroom renovation and is expecting the owners to pay for it – is this correct? Answer: It depends on why the owner requires a major bathroom renovation. Presumably, it is because there is some defect in the common property slab…

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Ask Premium Strata – Owners Corp & Animals

  Owners Corporation & Animals Question: I was under the impression that there was legislation that said an Owner Corporation could not make laws to prohibit animals on any lot. However, it is important to have rules around common property and other sensible rules around owner and pet behaviour Could you please advise? Answer: An Owners…

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NSW: Q&A Damage caused by tree roots from a neighbour

  Question: One of our lot owners has experienced damage caused by tree roots from a neighbour. Who is responsible for the cost of the remedial works to the adjoining property, the strata neighbour or the strata body? Answer: What is within the lot owner’s boundary is the responsibility of that individual owner. However, it…

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Ask Premium Strata – Unit Entitlements

Unit Entitlements Q: I would like to clarify the following: 1. Does owning a garage attached to a unit entitle the unit holder to have 2 votes? I thought that garage was a utility lot designed primarily for storage of goods or cars. As a result of this I am constantly outvoted on issues as…

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Ask Premium Strata – AGM Timing

AGM Timing Q: What are the rules concerning the actual time of day when a AGM is held? Last year ours was commenced at 3pm with the consequence that only 7 out of 24 lot owners were able to attend? A: Though the strata legislation is silent on the point, some general rules do apply….

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NSW: Q&A ‘No Animals Allowed’ – not even a companion animal

  Question: There are a number of very vocal apartment owners in my building who are against animals of any type, including a companion animal. Answer: If you can demonstrate your animal meets the requirements of a companion animal for the specific outlined range of disabilities, the Owners Corporation cannot prohibit the keeping of your…

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NSW Q&A: Unbalanced Strata Unit Entitlements Affecting Maintenance

Question: One family owns 61% of our scheme and use their strata unit entitlements NSW to block the committee and let the scheme run down. Would this situation be classed as dysfunctional? Answer: If the 61% family prevents the Owners Corporation from complying with its statutory obligations, then this would be a strong argument for…

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