Latest Strata Developments for New South Wales

Latest Strata Developments for New South Wales

  The Strata Schemes Management Amendment (Sustainability Infrastructure) Act, 2021 No 1 (NSW) (the “Amendment Act”) has introduced important amendments to the Strata Schemes Management Act, 2015 (NSW)(the “Act”). Keeping of animals You may have seen the media coverage of the landmark NSW Court of Appeal decision in Cooper v The Owners – Strata Plan No. 58068 [2020] NSWCA 250 (“Cooper”) which…

NSW Q&A: Proxy Votes & Quorum Requirements for Annual General Meeting

NSW Q&A: Proxy Votes & Quorum Requirements for Annual General Meeting

According to Strata Community Association (NSW), here is the definition of: Proxy Voting: An owner who is unable to attend a meeting may authorise (give their proxy) to another person to exercise their vote. This is achieved via proper completion of the prescribed form. Quorum: The minimum number of owners required for a meeting to proceed….

NSW: Q&A Proxy Votes & Quorum Requirements for Annual General Meeting

NSW: Q&A Proxy Votes & Quorum Requirements for Annual General Meeting

  Lot owners from NSW have questions about dealing with proxy votes and the quorum requirements for annual general meetings. Leanne Habib, Premium Strata provides the following responses. According to Strata Community Association (NSW), here is the definition of: Proxy Voting: An owner who is unable to attend a meeting may authorise (give their proxy) to another person…