NSW: Q&A Who sets the agenda, Explanatory notes, plus a Sample Motion

NSW: Q&A Who sets the agenda, Explanatory notes, plus a Sample Motion

  Question: When recovering late levy payments, can the Owners Corporation recover the costs of using a lawyer/debt collector from the recalcitrant owner? Every time I ask for a motion to be placed on the agenda for the AGM, either the Strata Manager or the Strata Committee completely rewrite my motion. There is illegal parking occurring in…

NSW: Q&A Best Way to Solve Resident Parking Problems in Your Apartment Building

NSW: Q&A Best Way to Solve Resident Parking Problems in Your Apartment Building

  Question: To help solve our resident parking problems, we would like to convert a visitor car park into a unit car space. Our strata manager tells us we can do this without having to comply with our development consent. Is this correct? I am one of the committee members for a 65 apartment building….

NSW Q&A: Can a Parking Offender’s Car be Towed from Strata?

NSW Q&A: Can a Parking Offender’s Car be Towed from Strata?

  Question: What law now governs the towing of motor vehicles? Answer: From 1st July 2020, new laws regarding the disposal of goods abandoned on the common property came into effect. From 1st July 2020, new laws regarding the disposal of goods abandoned on the common property came into effect. The regulation of the treatment…