NSW Q&A: Rescinding Resolutions

NSW Q&A: Rescinding Resolutions

Question: in relation to the article: NSW: Q&A Can Owners Corporation committee decisions be reconsidered? can you please point me to the section or clause in the SSMA 2015 or SSMR 2016, that refers to rescinding resolutions as referred to in this article 359? Answer: Any decision made by a corporation may be reversed.  Further, Sch…

NSW Q&A: Proxy Votes & Quorum Requirements for Annual General Meeting

NSW Q&A: Proxy Votes & Quorum Requirements for Annual General Meeting

According to Strata Community Association (NSW), here is the definition of: Proxy Voting: An owner who is unable to attend a meeting may authorise (give their proxy) to another person to exercise their vote. This is achieved via proper completion of the prescribed form. Quorum: The minimum number of owners required for a meeting to proceed….