NSW: Q&A Are there template renovation bylaws available?

NSW: Q&A Are there template renovation bylaws available?

Question: Are there any templates available of renovation bylaws? Yes, you may purchase detailed renovation by-laws which regulate the carrying out of renovations and modifications to a lot which may specifically authorise the executive committee to sign off on the commencement of the works (provided all the requirements of the by-law are satisfied including standards and…

NSW: Q&A Adequate ByLaw to Combat Abuse of Visitor Parking Spaces

NSW: Q&A Adequate ByLaw to Combat Abuse of Visitor Parking Spaces

Question: We have a general By-law stating residents must not park on common property without written approval. Is this sufficient or should we specifically refer to visitor parking spaces? Technically, this by-law is adequate because visitor car parking is common property. However, abuse of visitor parking is common and therefore, to highlight that visitor parking is…