NSW: Q&A What Happens When The Common Property is Not So Common?

Question: Can we wash a car on common property in NSW?

At our single-level complex of 18 villas, we each have one garage. Can we park a vehicle on common property in front of our own villa, not blocking any access or garage, to wash a vehicle using our OWN water?

Answer: As the apron is common property, you will not be able to wash your vehicle in front of your garage (without the approval of the Owners Corporation).

Most strata schemes have the following standard by-law:

1. Vehicles and parking

  1. An owner or occupier of a lot must not park or stand any motor or other vehicle on common property except with the written approval of the owners corporation.

As you have identified that the apron is common property, you will not be able to wash your vehicle in front of your garage (without the approval of the Owners Corporation).

This position can easily be changed by amending the standard by-law or creating a new one with guidelines on washing vehicles on aprons.

For the full question and our detailed response, visit the original publication at Look Up Strata.

Do you have a question relating to your property or development? Contact us!

‘Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation’.

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