NSW: Q&A Remediation of Serious Building Defect

Strata Hub is nearly ready to go live!

As you will have read from our previous newsletters, the NSW Government has introduced a new portal, Strata Hub, to enable ease of access to key information relating to strata schemes.

There has been a delayed start date due to the large number of strata schemes in NSW and the sheer enormity of data and technical issues arising.

Strata & Community Australia (the peak body for the strata industry) has, for example, reported there is a number of strata schemes which don’t have letterboxes and no information recorded anywhere to enable the Government to cross-match data available from its other data bases.  Door-knocking will be required in some instances!

For those of you managed by strata managers, it is likely that they will be the first point of contact to upload the requisite information (as previously indicated).

Understandably, many members of strata committees have expressed a reluctance to provide their details on a public website eg private email addresses, mobile phone numbers, however, SCA has dispelled some of those fears explaining that access to Strata Hub is only available to “verified” users.

For those members of strata committees who still have misgivings about providing their details, SCA has suggested the creation of generic email addresses eg secretarysp1234@hotmail.com. This is a useful suggestion because if the Secretary should resign or sell, the email account can easily be transferred to the newly appointed Secretary with all the email correspondence easily accessible and readily transferrable.

As we have advised, compliance with the new Strata Hub is mandatory and penalties for non-compliance apply and will be imposed on Owners Corporations, or, strata managers, if they are delegated that function and authority.

For those schemes who have an upcoming annual general meeting, our office will include motions for the option to delegate to the strata managing agent the function of entering and recording the information on Strata Hub.

Otherwise, we will issue paper meetings for a separate general or strata committee meeting to consider authorising the above.

The Strata Hub test site is stated to be available from late May 2022.

The expected start date for Strata Hub is expected to be 30 June 2022 allowing Owners Corporations 3 months to enter the information and the possibility of further extensions if their tools/facilities are not available in time.

Please note that our office’s or your building manager’s (if any) information and contact details cannot be substituted in lieu of personal committee members’ details even if this office has full delegated authorities including that of Delegated Secretary or if your building manager resides on-site.

We will keep you updated as more information comes to hand.

Please note that this article is provided for information purposes only and is not a substitute for professional legal advice.

‘Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation’.

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