NSW: Q&A Proxies and Voting Rules for Owners Corporation Meetings

Question: Can a proxy vote be cast in AGM elections for Owners Corporation committee members?

If Yes:

  1. The person granting a proxy to another person may not know who the committee candidates are, as candidates can be nominated as late as the AGM itself.

Each incumbent committee member who be able to hold up to 5pc of owners as proxies, which in a seven-member committee, would be up to 35pc, giving them a very good chance at self-renewal if proxies are cast for each other.

Answer: Yes, however, at the AGM the nominations are taken and the number of committee members is determined.

Yes, however, at the AGM the nominations are taken and the number of committee members is determined. It is the strata committee meeting immediately following the AGM which determines the office bearers and the balance remain members of the committee and there are no proxies at strata committee meetings.

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