NSW: Q&A Carrying out External Paint Work


Question: At no cost to the owners corporation, we’d like to paint an unpainted common area exterior wall. How can we get this action sanctioned and take advantage of this improvement?

It has been suggested that we have some unsightly unpainted interior walls in our complex spruced up with a coat of paint. Currently, they are untreated block walls and unpainted concrete. They are within our building’s interior common property, adjacent to our basement carpark. As these services have never been painted, it is considered that improving their appearance is not maintenance as the current finish could be considered maintenance free.

We have adequate paint left over from a recent exterior repaint to cover these unfinished surfaces, and sufficient volunteer labour to tackle the work. Therefore this improvement would come at no cost to our owners corporation.

The fact that these surfaces are isolated and interior would likely mean that a single paint would probably last us in excess of 15 years. How can we get this action sanctioned and take advantage of this zero cost improvement?

Answer: Such improvements require a special resolution of the Owners Corporation.

In our view, the painting is an “improvement” to the common property because the surfaces are currently unpainted. Such improvements require a special resolution of the Owners Corporation. Before embarking on the working bee, ensure you have the proper authorisations in place, and, in particular, check with the building’s insurer whether such a working bee would be an insurable event (in case of slip-and-fall etc).

For the full question and our detailed response, visit the original publication at Look Up Strata.

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Please note that this article is provided for information purposes only and is not a substitute for professional legal advice.

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