NSW: Q&A Are there template renovation bylaws available?
Question: Are there any templates available of renovation bylaws?
Answer: Yes, you may purchase detailed renovation bylaws which regulate the carrying out of renovations and modifications
Yes, you may purchase detailed renovation by-laws which regulate the carrying out of renovations and modifications to a lot which may specifically authorise the executive committee to sign off on the commencement of the works (provided all the requirements of the by-law are satisfied including standards and compliance issues as stipulated in the by-law).
The “generic renovation by-law” obviates the need for a new by-law and a new general meeting to be held each time an owner wishes to carry out works.
Under the current legislation, you cannot avoid the general meeting, by-law drafting process because that is the procedure outlined in the current legislation. The new legislation, however, has relaxed the renovation procedure. For example, “cosmetic” works eg built-in wardrobes will no longer require any approval of the Owners Corporation. “Minor” renovations eg kitchen renovation will no longer require a special resolution or a by-law but rather only an ordinary resolution. Works involving structural changes, for example, will continue to require the special resolution/by-law process.
Renovation bylaws may be purchased which contemplate the revisions to the renovation processes.
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