NSW: Q&A Do strata committees receive the AGM agenda before owners, putting others at a disadvantage?

Question: Do the strata committee get a copy of the AGM agenda first, or do all owners get the agenda at the same time? If the committee get it first, does it put others at a disadvantage?

Answer: There is no formal requirement that the AGM agenda must be given to the strata committee first.

The legislation states that written notice of a meeting must be given to each owner (and each first mortgagee or covenant chargee). There is no formal requirement that the AGM agenda must be given to the strata committee first, though, in practice, strata managers often do circulate a draft AGM agenda to the committee first, to ensure all matters that the strata committee wish to determine at an owners corporation level are included for consideration at the AGM.

For the full question and our detailed response, visit the original publication at Look Up Strata.

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