NSW: Q&A Where are my common property boundaries?


Question: Who is responsible for the maintenance and repair of outdoor lights on each of the townhouse walls in both front and back yard? These external lights were installed when the townhouses were originally built.

Answer: The exterior lights would likely be your responsibility.

While we have not seen your by-laws or notations on the strata plan and do not know with any precision where the external lights are, the NSW Fair Trading common property memorandum states that “electrical wiring in non-common property walls within a lot and serving only that lot” and “light fittings, light switches and power point sockets within the lot serving only that lot” are the responsibility of the lot owner.

On this basis, the exterior lights would likely be your responsibility.

For the full question and our detailed response, visit the original publication at Look Up Strata.

Do you have a question relating to your property or development? Contact us!

Please note that this article is provided for information purposes only and is not a substitute for professional legal advice.