NSW: Q&A How Does the Committee Organise a Leaky Roof Repair?


Question: What steps do we take to organise a leaky roof repair? What if some owners refuse to pay?

Answer: The roof repairs will be common property and a repair that jointly the Executive Committee and the appointed Strata Manager would arrange for its repair.

The roof repairs will be common property and a repair that jointly the Executive Committee and the appointed Strata Manager would arrange for its repair. Subject to the delegated duties of the Strata Manager, generally Repairs and Maintenance such as a leaky roof repair fall under the agreed services of a Strata Manager.

The Strata Manager will generally assist with the process of sourcing quotes, making the necessary enquiry etc. on behalf of the committee, however, the decisions and instructions will remain the responsibility of the committee and owners.

First, an expert should be engaged to inspect and determine the scope of repairs required to address the issues with the roof, upon a scope being finalised and agreed to, tenders for repairs should than be obtained.

Once tenders are obtained, a meeting of the Owners Corporation should be held to consider the tenders and raise funds if there isn’t enough surplus in the sinking fund. Following the approval and raising of funds, work can commence on the leaky roof repair.

The raising of funds via a special levy can only be considered at a general meeting. 50% of owners present and entitled to vote will need to be in favour of a special levy for the motion to be passed. Therefore both the special levy and tenders should be referred to a general meeting as each motion will be subject to another, i.e. funds are required only if the works are approved.

If the special levy and approval of works is not passed by owners, and the roof repairs are essential to maintain the common property, the Owners Corporation will then be in breach of its obligations under Section 106 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015, which states:

106 Duty of owners corporation to maintain and repair property
(1) An owners corporation for a strata scheme must properly maintain and keep in a state of good and serviceable repair the common property and any personal property vested in the owners corporation.
(2) An owners corporation must renew or replace any fixtures or fittings comprised in the common property and any personal property vested in the owners corporation.
(3) This section does not apply to a particular item of property if the owners corporation determines by special resolution that:
(a) it is inappropriate to maintain, renew, replace or repair the property, and
(b) its decision will not affect the safety of any building, structure or common property in the strata scheme or detract from the appearance of any property in the strata scheme.

The process for debt recovery is the same for all levy types, ordinary and special levies.

For the full question and our detailed response, visit the original publication at Look Up Strata. Do you have a question relating to your property or development? Contact us!

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