NSW: Q&A Can You Use Your Garage for Business Storage?

Question: A lot owner in our 5 lot NSW strata building is using the garage to store carpets for their business. What impact would this have on fire safety and strata insurance?

Answer: You should contact your local council and make further enquiries there, as they have powers to stop the business being carried on.

Many issues arise here. The business:

  • may be in breach of the storage by-laws applicable to the scheme
  • may be in breach of the change of use by-laws applicable to the scheme
  • may cause a fire hazard
  • there may be inadequate ventilation causing health issues
  • may be in breach of planning legislation

You should contact your local council and make further enquiries there, as they have powers to stop the business being carried on.

For the full question and our detailed response, visit the original publication at Look Up Strata.

Do you have a question relating to your property or development? Contact us!

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