Ask Premium Strata – Parking Bay Allocation

Parking Bay Allocation

After reading your article on Strata News on towing parking offenders from common property, I was hoping you could give us some advice with an ongoing issue we have on parking. Parking issues take up far too much time in strata!

We are in Sydney and we have a tenant residing in our building who drives two expensive vehicles. His unit only has one parking bay allocation. As he does not wish to park his second vehicle on the street, he has up until recently, been parking in one of our few visitor parking spaces. The Strata Committee have sent him letters about this so he has now taken to simply parking in vacant owners or commercial parking bays!  This is causing a lot of angst from irate owners arriving to find their parking bay occupied.

We have been told that this is a civil issue and for owners to call the police.

Question: Is this the Strata Committees only course of action to resolve this issue?

Answer: Thanks for getting in touch and happy to hear that you have been reading our weekly posts.

This is a common frustration in strata. The simplest most practical way to resolve your problem is to seek permission from the Owners Corporation to install a lockable bollard (you can purchase bollards that are operated by remote making it easy for the bollard to go up and down as you drive in and out of your space), so that no one can park in your car spot.

While this is an Owner V Owner issue, another possible solution is for the Owners Corporation to pass a by-law regarding parking and to prohibit owners/occupiers from parking anywhere on the common property (including visitor car spaces) or on private car spaces that are not allocated to their lot. That way the Owners Corporation could issue breach of by-law”

I hope this helps!

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Please note that this article is provided for information purposes only and is not a substitute for professional legal advice.

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