NSW: Q&A How do we Deal with Strata Manager Complaints and Bullying?

  Question: If the strata manager gives incorrect advice causing a monetary loss to the owners corporation, what remedy is available to the OC? Answer: The type and quantum of liability of the managing agent is limited. Generally, the strata management agency agreement between the Strata Management Agency and Owners Corporation will set out the liability of…

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NSW: Repeated Breaches – The Washings on the Balcony!

Question: What action can the Strata Committee take to impose compliance for breaches? A lot owner is amplifying her non-compliance in response to being advised to cease her hanging of washing on the balcony practices. Answer: Issue a notice to comply with the washing on the balcony bylaw and then pursue the matter through NCAT….

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NSW: Repeated Breaches – The Washings on the Line!

  Question: What action can the Strata Committee take to impose compliance for breaches? A lot owner is amplifying her non-compliance in response to being advised to cease her laundry drying practices. Answer: Issue a notice to comply and then pursue the matter through NCAT. The owner is clearly in breach of the by-law, so…

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