NSW: Q&A Owners Corporation Committee Decisions

Question: Two Committee members made changes to common areas without any vote and used the common seal without approval. What process should have been followed? We are a strata of 3 townhouses. Is it illegal for 2 committee members/owners to use our strata’s common seal representing the Owners Corporation without having put the use of…

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NSW: Q&A Common Property Defects and Reimbursement for Repairs

  Question: The Owners Corporation is undertaking remedial waterproofing on a common property rooftop terrace which is included in our title. They have asked us to move our large pots and spa. Shouldn’t this be there cost? The Owners Corporation is undertaking remedial waterproofing on a common property rooftop terrace which is included in our…

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NSW: Q&A Building Appearance: Changing the appearance of the lot

  Question: Our Strata manager demands we remove vines from our lot because they are changing the appearance of our complex. We have planted vines around our lot which have grown but are not covering any other lot. Our Strata managers insist we are changing the appearance of our complex and are demanding their removal….

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NSW: Q&A Foyer Christmas Decorations Purchased by Strata Funds

  Question: We have discussed putting up some foyer Christmas decorations. Some residents have voiced their concerns about strata funds paying for the cost of acquiring the seasonal decorations. Our strata has an uninteresting entry foyer that would benefit from some visual enhancement. Hanging some artwork on the blank walls would make both residents and…

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NSW: Q&A Owners Corporation Committee Decisions

  Question: During closed-door meetings, the committee vote on each agenda item frequently without costings or reasons for decisions. As an owner, what can I do? The chair of the Strata committee enforces the ‘owners cannot interrupt’ rule. All decisions are made behind closed doors before the formal Strata Committee meeting. These closed-door meetings result…

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NSW: Q&A Owners Corporation Committee Decisions

  Question: In the AGM last year, we all voted to have a defibrillator. The chairman and secretary voted against it and in every meeting since have decided to ask a lawyer their legal rights and are digging their heels in. Can they do this? Answer: It may be that the strata committee is seeking…

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NSW: Q&A Duty to Maintain and Repair Common Property

  Question: Who is responsible for a broken window in a strata unit? Who is responsible for a broken window in a strata unit? Who should be invoiced – the tenant (occupying at the time the glass broke), the owners, or the Owners Corporation? I have read the Fair Trading Common Property Memorandum but under 9 Windows…

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NSW: Q&A Positions on the Strata Committee

  Question: Our secretary takes full control at meetings, will not let anyone make any comments or ask any questions. We all feel very bullied by this person. What can we do? At our monthly Owners Corporation meetings, although the whole committee including the chairperson attended, the meeting was run by our overbearing secretary. We…

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NSW: Q&A Spending Limits & Unapproved Fees

Question: Our owners corporation is part of a BMC. Is it regulation that the financial and annual budget of the BMC be presented to the strata committee or owners and approved at a committee meeting before the owners corporation AGM? I am an owner in an owners corporation that has shared facilities (BMC) with another…

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