NSW: Q&A How Does the Committee Organise a Leaky Roof Repair?

  Question: What steps do we take to organise a leaky roof repair? What if some owners refuse to pay? Answer: The roof repairs will be common property and a repair that jointly the Executive Committee and the appointed Strata Manager would arrange for its repair. The roof repairs will be common property and a repair that…

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NSW: Q&A Are there template renovation bylaws available?

  Question: Are there any templates available of renovation bylaws? Answer: Yes, you may purchase detailed renovation bylaws which regulate the carrying out of renovations and modifications Yes, you may purchase detailed renovation by-laws which regulate the carrying out of renovations and modifications to a lot which may specifically authorise the executive committee to sign off…

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NSW: Q&A Exclusive Use of Common Property

Question: An ordinary resolution passed in 1991 at a general meeting voted to allow owners to park on common property and gave them allocated spaces. Do these owners have exclusive use rights of the common property? Answer: As no by-law was created, no exclusive use was validly created. This is a complex legal question, however,…

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NSW: Q&A Children and Noise Complaints in Apartments

Question: Are children excluded or exempted from breaching any provisions in the Strata Schemes Management legislation or any By-Law Clauses of the Strata Plan? Answer: Occupiers of the lot are responsible to ensure no noise may interfere with someone else’s use of their lot or common property. In our view it is not that they…

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NSW: Q&A EGM Motions on an Agenda

  Question: What are the protocol and procedures for dealing with requests from a Lot owner for an EGM and a motion on the agenda? Answer: Instead of convening a meeting specifically for the requirement, you may place the motion on an agenda for the next general meeting No. Schedule 1 Clause 4 (3) requires the Secretary…

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NSW: Q&A Is a ByLaw needed for BBQs on Apartment Balconies

  Question: Should we have a bylaw allowing residents to have a BBQ on their apartment balcony? If we have no bylaw and a BBQ becomes a fire hazard, will the Strata Committee Members be held liable? Answer: You need to check what your contract states with regard to strata manager insurance commissions. We have…

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NSW: Q&A Can an Apartment Garage be Used Exclusively for Storage?

Question: A Lot Owner uses their garage for storage and parks their car on the street. The garage is below my apartment and they are constantly removing items and opening and closing the door. Is this nuisance? Answer: Check your by-laws to determine if you have a “Storage” By-law which basically states that only motor…

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Q&A Overcrowding and Number of Occupants in NSW Apartments

Question: If an apartment is tenanted, how many occupants are allowed in a 2 bedroom unit? I suspect overcrowding in the apartment next door to ours. Answer: You would need a by-law which stipulates occupancy limits. Subject to anything contained in the development approval for the building, you would need a by-law which stipulates occupancy limits and…

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NSW: Q&A Can A Strata Bylaw Set a Size Limit for Dogs?

  Question: My Owners Corporation has a bylaw setting a size limit for dogs in our building. Is this reasonable? How can I know how big my puppy will get? Answer: There are all types of pets by-laws including those with weight restrictions. There are all types of pets by-laws including those with weight restrictions – we…

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NSW: Q&A The First AGM, Building Defects and the Statutory Warranty

Question: What should lot owner’s know at the First AGM regarding building defects? Do we need to know about enforcing statutory warranties? Answer: The owners corporation needs to enforce the statutory warranties – depending on the contract date for the works. The system is based on self- help. The owners corporation needs to enforce the statutory warranties…

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NSW: Q&A Strata Manager Complaints and Bullying

  Question: We have complaints about our Strata Manager. What is the best way to remind our Strata Manager she is working for us? She borders on bullying. Answer: Speak to the principal of the strata management agency and asking for their intervention. Personality conflicts are inevitable in strata and other contexts – have you thought about…

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NSW: Repeated Breaches – The Washings on the Balcony!

Question: What action can the Strata Committee take to impose compliance for breaches? A lot owner is amplifying her non-compliance in response to being advised to cease her hanging of washing on the balcony practices. Answer: Issue a notice to comply with the washing on the balcony bylaw and then pursue the matter through NCAT….

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NSW Q&A: Strata Dispute Resolution: When the OC Breaches NCAT Orders

  Question: During the strata dispute resolution process, if an Owners Corporation breaches court orders, what recourse does the owner have? Answer: The failure by the owners corporation to comply with the NCAT Orders could be the basis upon which to seek the compulsory appointment of a strata manager. The failure by the owners corporation…

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